Enter into the world of the Paranormal with me, if you dare. ;)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Valerie Stared Into Space!

Let's all travel back n time for a couple of days and pretend this is my Seven Sentences for Feb 5!

Valerie stared into space and remained lost in her thoughts, oblivious to the few last minute riders who pushed past her. She inwardly trembled with what she had ‘seen’ in him. The connectedness she experienced with him frightened her. Until now, she had only succeeded in mental connections with children. In the midst of her confusion, the memory of when her eyes first opened to her gift for mental communication with children returned. Once more she quivered, but this time for an entirely different reason. She attempted a swallow when an all too familiar lump blocked her throat.

Stop on be http://www.suspenseful7ss.blogspot.com and read more suspense!


Romance through the mists of time and Love through the dimensions of reality

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