Enter into the world of the Paranormal with me, if you dare. ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Today's Suspence Is Rushing Into the Unknown!

Today's suspenseful 7 once more come to you from my wip! Enjoy!

As the boy rushed head long toward the new tent; he failed to notice the lack of activity around it. Other than a lone sagebrush that rolled across the tent’s width in front of its opening flap, none of his neighbors in the small town of Copper Run were there. But like a blind person, he continued toward it in anticipation and complete oblivion of that fact.

The air that had brought movement to the sage stilled as he approached the exhibition area. He looked, but found that still no one milled around it in search of entertainment, as they did the traveling man of magic’s other tent. The momentarily absent wind returned and whistled around the tent when he reached his destination. It curled through the boy’s hair like ghostly fingers.

Check out the rest of the suspense at http://www.suspenseful7sss.blogspot.com !


Romance through the mists of time and Love through the dimensions of reality


Laurie Ryan said...

Fun stuff! How's your summer going, Janette?

Janette Harjo said...

Summer's "fun stuff," too! (if it ever gets here) Life's getting busy (didn't plan it that way!) LOL!

Thanks for stopping by with the comment!